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Graphic of a heart embedded within a brain illustrating the heart brain connection.

Commonly Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs to help better your understanding of MeRT treatment.  We are a phone call away to answer any additional questions. 

What is MeRT therapy and how does it work?

MeRT, short for Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, is an innovative treatment that fuses repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a therapy cleared by the FDA, with Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) technologies. This groundbreaking approach enables the creation of personalized treatment plans, specifically tailored to each individual's unique brain pattern.


By analyzing the patient's EEG and EKG, healthcare professionals can gain insights into the brain's functioning, detect brain activity, and assess neural synchronization. Utilizing this valuable information, a customized protocol is developed to promote healthy brain communication, leading to significant clinical enhancements.


MeRT therapy is characterized by its non-surgical, non-invasive, and painless nature, devoid of any drugs. The method employs gentle magnetic waves to reprogram dysfunctional electrical signals within the brain, thereby facilitating behavioral modifications and the restoration of optimal function.

How is MeRT different from rTMS?

In contrast to conventional rTMS therapy, where stimulation is applied to a single location with a fixed frequency for all patients, the MeRT approach personalizes the treatment frequency and location for each individual based on their Quantitative EEG and EKG results. This results in a customized MeRT protocol.

What takes place during a typical MeRT session?

Cortical MeRT therapy involves the application of magnetic pulses directed at precise regions of the brain. During a standard MeRT appointment, 30 sets of electromagnetic stimulation are delivered, each lasting for 6 seconds, followed by a 54-second rest period between sets. The entire session, focused on a specific area of the head, typically lasts around 45 minutes.

What are common benefits of MeRT?

The main goal of the treatment is to achieve functional recovery, and the outcomes vary for each patient due to their unique characteristics.  Anticipated advantages of functional recovery encompass:


  1. Enhanced sleep quality

  2. Longer sleep duration

  3. Decreased stress symptoms

  4. Alleviated pain

  5. Improved concentration and focus

  6. Enhanced mood

  7. Extended attention span

  8. Heightened sociability

  9. Increased motivation

  10. Enhanced clarity of thought

  11. Reduced cravings (e.g., drugs and alcohol)

  12. Increased emotional stability

  13. Improved adaptability to change

  14. Boosted self-confidence and self-esteem


For individuals with Autism, improvements may include enhanced emotion regulation, speech development, concentration, and awareness.

When  should I see results?

The response to treatment varies among individuals. To assess the patient's response, we provide a two-week evaluation period, during which we conduct baseline and post qEEG measurements. Some patients have reported noticeable changes, even after just a few sessions.

Are results guranteed?

The effectiveness and outcomes of MeRT rely on rigorous and diligent adherence to our treatment protocols. Individual results may vary, and we cannot guarantee specific outcomes for each person.

Are there side effects?

Based on our present data from applying the MeRT technique, the occurrence of side effects is infrequent and typically mild. The most frequently reported side effect is a mild tension headache at the stimulation site, lasting approximately 1-2 hours, which tends to respond well to over-the-counter pain relievers.  There are other potential side effects such as heightened activity, increased agitation, or feelings of euphoria. However, it's essential to note that the risk of experiencing a seizure with MeRT is minimal, affecting only about 1 person in 100,000.

To ensure utmost safety for our patients, our clinic has implemented specific protocols for individuals with a history of epileptic activity.

Are there any contraindicat-ions?

MeRT treatment for the cortex has specific contraindications, which can be categorized into absolute and relative contraindications:


Absolute contraindications for cortical MeRTâ„  treatment:

  1. Pacemaker

  2. Defibrillator

  3. Vagal Nerve Stimulator

  4. VP Shunt/ Magnetic intracranial shunts

  5. Deep Brain Stimulator

  6. Epidural Cortical stimulator

  7. Steel shunts/stents

  8. Cranial metal fragments (e.g., shrapnel, except titanium)

  9. Cochlear implant

  10. Aneurysm clips, coils, pipelines flow diversion

  11. Pregnancy or breastfeeding

  12. Primary brain cancer / metastatic lesions in the brain (unless for palliative care)

  13. Magnetic dental implants

  14. Implanted cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD)

  15. Ocular implants


Relative contraindications (requiring closer protocol attention, but not disqualifying someone from receiving cortical MeRTâ„  treatment):

  1. History of seizure or seizure disorder

  2. Titanium shunts/stents

  3. Spinal Cord Stimulator

  4. Hearing aids

  5. Ferrous cortical implants

  6. Magnetic ink tattoo

  7. Bipolar Disorder Type I/II

  8. Baha Implant

Why is my protocol different from other patients?

Due to the distinctiveness of each individual's brain, the MeRT protocol will vary for every patient, as it relies on the EEG/EKG data specific to each person.

© 2024 by The Brain Treatment Center Metro Atlanta

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